Giegerich Orthodontics

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you and your child can have
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Celebrities Who Underwent Orthodontic Intervention

Are you having second thoughts about wearing braces or retainers? Really, its nothing to be ashamed of. Not even Hollywood is safe from dental or orthodontic issues. Did you know quite a handful of these celebrities had to wear orthodontic braces to enhance the health, appearance and feel of their smile?

Wondering who these famous personalities are? Check out the beautiful people of Hollywood who had their smiles fixed. Lets start out with celebrities who started wearing orthodontic braces as children.

Did you know Angelina Jolie and Gwyneth Paltrow had their smiles fixed at a young age? So did material girl Madonna and E.T. cutie-pie Drew Barrymore. Other popular personalities who had early orthodontic intervention and treatment include blonde tennis beauty Anna Kournikova and Spidermans gal-pal Emma Stone.

Its never too late to wear braces, and these Hollywood stars are a testament to this. Did you know super-model Heidi Klum and queen of multi-media Oprah had invisible aligners when they were a little older? Super-models Cindy Crawford and Tyra Banks also started later in life with their orthodontic treatments.

Can you believe the actors who played Benjamin Button and Queen Amidala waited for braces until theyre adults? Thats right, Brad Pitt and Natalie Portman didnt get orthodontic treatments until they were grown-ups.

Speaking of its never too late for orthodontic treatments, check out Faye Dunaway; she had her first set of braces at age 61. The other half of the Lethal Weapon duo Danny Glover had his at age 59. And did you know Hollywood royalty Tom Cruise got his braces at age 40?


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